What Does Neutrois Mean?

What Does Neutrois Mean?


Neutrois is a nonbinary gender identity in which a person sees themself as neither a man nor a woman and has no gender to express.

Neutrois is a nonbinary gender identity also referred to as gender-neutral, genderless, and agender.

  • Neutrois people see themselves as neither a man nor a woman and have no gender identity or no gender to express.
  • They do feel that they are completely genderless or they may feel as if they belong to both genders at the same time.

How do people with neutrois feel about themselves?

Neutrois people may suffer from dysphoria and seek to transition.

  • Neutrois people frequently desire gender-neutral or androgynous (male-like) expressions; however, this varies from person to person.
  • Some neutrois want to medically transform to eliminate all sex traits, whereas others want to remove some selected features or may not want surgery at all. 

Some people with neutrois may prefer calling themselves males and some as females irrespective of which gender they were identified at birth. If they are identified as a male at birth, they may call themselves females even though they all believe that they are genderless.

People with neutrois do fall under the umbrella of transgender.

What is the difference between gender identity and expression?

Gender identity and gender expression are two different terms.

Gender identity

Gender identity refers to a person’s internal and unique sense of gender.

  • It is a person’s perception of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or somewhere in between.
  • Gender identification can be the same as or different from the sex given at birth.

Gender expression

Gender expression refers to how a person expresses or displays their gender in public. 

  • Dress, hair, make-up, body language, and voice are examples of outer appearance and behavior.
  • Gender is also commonly expressed through a person’s chosen name and pronoun.

What is dysphoria and its association with neutrois?

Dysphoria, a short term for gender dysphoria or gender dysphoric disorder, is the medical term for being transgender. It is a psychological condition characterized by a strong sense of discomfort and disconnects with assigned sex. 

People with dysphoria are accompanied by a strong desire to change their sex to better match their identity or to be addressed in the correct gendered language. Dysphoria results in both psychological and physical distress, causing health to deteriorate. 

Dysphoria is the absolute opposite of euphoria (pleasure). It is simply the absence of pleasure, and it has nothing to do with gender identity.

  • Many neutrois feel gender dysphoria as a result of being psychologically troubled by their physique and/or socially irritated by how they are seen, classified, and treated by others.
  • Other neutrois people experience less grief, unhappiness, or frustration or none at all, which may express as minimal discomfort or just disinterest with their physical or social gender. 

Nonbinary people may experience dysphoria for the same reasons as binary transgender people. It is usually relieving if the individual can transition and, therefore, shift their body and social position to one that corresponds with their internal identity.

Is neutrois recognized as a gender?

Neutrois people do not have their gender legally recognized on their papers, like those with other nonbinary identities, including:

  • Bigender
  • Multigender
  • Gender-neutral
  • Agender
  • Androgynous
  • Gender fluid
  • Genderqueer
  • Ceterosexual

However, many nations, states, and websites, such as Facebook, recognize nonbinary identities, including neutrois as a gender choice.

Do neutrois feel the need of transition?

Some neutrois are relieved just to have found their true identity. It’s enough of a relief for them to be able to put into words what they have been trying to grasp for so long. 

Other neutrois have a strong urge to transfer, either partially or completely, with some components more significant than others. 

Some neutrois, on the other hand, are neutral to transition and may seek just portions of it that are convenient. It is entirely up to them, and they may carve out their transition route.


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Medically Reviewed on 1/11/2022


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What is Neutrois? http://neutrois.com/what-is-neutrois/
